Armored Combat at Twelfth Night

2 Jul

Marshal in Charge: Duke Tom Tinntinnabulum (Tom Holliday)
holliday.thomas.71 at
Location: North and Middle Gyms
See Site Map for precise location.


9am:      Site Opens

9:30am: Inspections and Authorizations

10am:   Warm-ups and Finishing Up Authorizations

10:30am (firm):  William Marshall Tourney Timed Portion Begins (tourney format explanation below)

1pm:      William Marshall Timed Portion Ends
Following the end of WMT timed portion, the top 8 are entered into a
single elimination tourney to determine the overall winner.

1:30-2pm: Once WMT Tourney finals end, there will be open pickup fighting.

2pm:          Rattan fighting is done. The mats must be rolled up and armor removed from                      the hall.

William Marshal Tourney

Each rattan fighter gets a number taped to them (can be on shield, weapon, helm whatever).

Fighters pick their opponent and agree on terms such as 1 fight straight up, 2 out of 3, etc.

Fighters wait their turn for mat space. Roughly 6 fights can occur at once.

Once the terms have been met, BOTH FIGHTERS report to the List Minister.

Once results are reported, fighters can go find someone else to fight. Rinse and repeat till the end of the timed portion.

After the timed portion, the top 8 point collectors will be in a single-elimination, single fight, bring your best tourney. Semi-finals and finals are also single win and bring your best.

In the event that multiple people tie for a berth in the final tourney, a tiebreaker will be implemented by the MIC (aka Duke Tom) depending on how many folks are tied.

Seeding for final tourney will be done randomly.

Scoring for timed portion is as follows:

1 point for every fight win or lose

1 point for winning your fight

Additionally, opponents are worth more points depending on their level of fighting award:

No additional points for AOA level awards

+1 for beating a Black Griffin

+2 for beating a Chiv

+3 beating a Royal Peer

+4 beating a sitting Royal (Sovereigns or Heirs)

Modifier Points DO NOT STACK. You only receive points for the highest award.

Ex 1: HE Wu fights Duke Lars. Lars wins and they report. Wu gets 1 point for fighting. Lars gets 1 point for fighting, 1 for winning, and 1 for beating a Black Griffin.

Ex 2: HE Wu fights Duke Konrad. Wu wins and they report. Wu gets 1 point for fighting, 1 point for winning, and 3 for beating a Royal Peer. Konrad gets 1 point for fighting.